May 28, 2013

My Chickens: I Need Your Help!!

Well, first of all, I had a great memorial day. I even held a flag in a parade!
But here's my issue.........Sally is a rooster!!!!  Sally Sussex is A ROOSTER!!!!
(So is Sweetie Pie, but I don't need to rename him.)
I need your help to think of an alternative name for "Sally"!

Well, now that that's taken care of, here's some pictures for you to enjoy. :)
phoebe chicks
Here's a good picture of Caps chicks!
Ameraucana hen
And this pretty girl....
Um...wipe your beak, please.
And just a little something........

Soo cute!!!!
Gotta laugh!!
Bye!  "Sally" is waiting!!

1 comment:

  1. Cap's chicks are so cute! And I love the chicken photos! Keep them coming :)

    I hope you come up with a good name for Sally Sussex! It's hard when you name them then have to change it!


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